October 24 - 26, 2023 Online. FREE Registration.
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Event Sponsors
Navitar Inc.
SingleShot Wide FOV Objective Lens System
Designer and manufacturer of precision optical solutions for a variety of industries including biomedical and life sciences, defense and security, industrial imaging, and projection. Applications include machine vision, assembly, imaging, testing, metrology, biomedical, R&D, noncontact measurement, simulation, autonomous vehicles, and semiconductor.
OZ Optics
Optical Spectrometer
PM fiber components; patch cords, splitters/combiners, polarizers, isolators, fused/PLCS couplers, test equipment; PER meter, polarized sources, PDL emulators, polarization controllers/analyzers, digital/motor driven/manual variable attenuators, laser/laser diode to fiber delivery systems; collimators/focusers, polarization entangled photon sources.
WITec GmbH
Expertise in 3D Raman imaging and also specializes in Raman, AFM, SNOM, and RISE (SEM) correlative microscopy solutions. Modular hardware and software ensure flexibility for specific challenges in chemical and structural characterization.
Presentation Sponsors
Applied Scientific Instrumentation Inc.
Manufacturer of precise closed-loop XY stages, Z drives, piezo stages, and other precision positioning equipment; and light sheet microscopes and custom microscope/optics. Works directly with end users and OEMs to provide stock products and custom solutions. Products are designed for long life under demanding applications.
Avantes BV
Develops and manufactures spectrometers, light sources, software, fiber optic cables, and accessories. Products are highly customizable, adaptable to any specific application. Products find usage in many OEM applications and markets, and in the scientific and industrial markets.
Bruker Optics
Provides high-performance scientific instruments and high-value analytical and diagnostic solutions for molecular research, applied and pharma applications, microscopy and nanoanalysis, and in industrial applications. Products also used in cell biology, preclinical imaging, clinical phenomics, and proteomics research and clinical microbiology.
Provider of simulation software for product design and research to technical enterprises, research labs, and universities. Integrated software environment for creating physics-based models and simulation applications. Electromagnetic modeling capabilities span the entire spectrum, from DC to light.
DRS Daylight Solutions
Manufacturer of mid-IR lasers, sensors, and imaging systems for mid-IR applications including molecular spectroscopy, life sciences, remote sensing, process control, and defense and security. Laser performance spans 3 to 13 microns, with options for pulsed, CW, broadly tunable, narrow linewidth, rapid-scan, and high power output.
Excelitas Technologies Corp. is an industrial technology manufacturer focused on delivering innovative, market-driven photonic solutions to meet the illumination, optical, optronic, sensing, detection and imaging needs of our OEM and end-user customers.
Feinwerkoptik Zund AG
Delivers photonic solutions for medical, technical, space, and defense applications and develops customized products including miniaturized optical, optomechanical, and electro-optomechanical systems with imaging and nonimaging beam path. Manufactures miniaturized optical components with spherical and plano surfaces.
Offers a full range of high-performance lasers and terahertz systems including single- and multi-line lasers, tunable CW lasers, femtosecond fiber lasers, laser combiners, and terahertz imagers and spectrometers.
MKS Ophir
Develops, calibrates, and markets a complete line of laser and LED measurement products, including laser power/energy meters, beam profilers measuring femtowatt to hundred-kilowatt lasers, high-performance IR and visible optical elements, IR thermal imaging lenses and zoom lenses for defense and commercial applications.
NYFORS Teknologi AB
NYFORS is your innovative supplier of advanced glass processing and preparation equipment for specialty optical fiber splicing operations. We supply precise solutions tailored to the individual challenges of our customers. Our highly automated systems lead to consistent, high yield production for both high and low volume.
Ocean Optics
Ocean Optics, part of Ocean Insight, offers compact spectrometers and spectral solutions for OEMs, industrial customers, and researchers.
PicoQuant GmbH
Instrumentation for time-resolved fluorescence and single photon counting: picosecond pulsed diode lasers, PC modules for time-correlated single photon counting, fluorescence lifetime systems (confocal microscopes, spectrometers) and FLIM and FCS upgrade kits for laser scanning microscopes.
Prior Scientific Inc.
Manufacturer of high precision electro-mechanical and optical components. With a variety of micro- and nano-positioning products, we can customize solutions to meet your exact needs. Prior produces high speed motorized stages, robotic sample handling systems, laser autofocus systems, motorized nosepieces and fully configurable motorized optical stands.
Rocky Mountain Instrument Co.
Rocky Mountain Instrument Company (RMI) offers custom optical and optomechanical solutions for bioscience and biomedical applications, industrial and research imaging, semiconductor, aerospace, defense, and other markets. We have proven experience in design, manufacturing and testing multiphoton microscope systems, low magnification high NA microscope objectives, tube lenses etc. RMI capabilities include custom optics for various applications including high power lasers from DUV to far IR, diamond turned optical elements, custom coatings, optical and optomechanical design, testing, and engineering consulting. Please call us to discuss your new optical project requirements.
Special Optics
Manufactures catalog and custom/OEM optical components and assemblies including microscope objectives, motorized zoom beam expanders, high-resolution diffraction-limited lenses, telecentric scanning, focusing and imaging lenses, wave plates, polarizers; also mounting hardware, optical coatings, and lens design services for UV to CO2 wavelengths.
Manufactures a line of computer-controlled positioning devices including motorized linear actuators, microscopes, mirror mounts, translation stages, rotation stages, controllers, and other motion control products.
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